Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Color is the spice of life. 
I was thinking today what it might be that I couldn't possibly live without. Initially I would have said a generic answer such as 'music' or 'women,' but after a closer examination of the topic, I've decided that neither of those are the case. Sure, music can be enchanting and can add a bit of flare to an otherwise drab situation. Women are fruitful ventures that everyone can find some sort of pleasure in. However, the thing about both music and women are that they are both quite dynamic. There are trillions of different songs, and billions of different women. They all vary in length, height, pitch, tone, style etc. However, what I've realized that I enjoy the most, and what I absolutely cannot live without: is color. Perhaps it's the objectivity that I enjoy. 

Color is literally everywhere, and it is the inclusion of color that makes it so appealing. As you can see above, just about anything can be brightened, dimmed, dulled or illuminated based on certain color schemes and combinations. I think that the picture above shows just how mandatory a colorful workplace should be. It inspires creativity, and what everyone needs to be nowadays is creative. 

Post Script: If you're going to use books to boost up the color palette of your living quarters... make sure they are of some substance. Don't be that guy/girl.

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