It was over 60 degrees fahrenheit outside tonight. Today is (was) December 15th. What? It doesn't make sense to me that I can walk outside with a light jacket on and a long sleeve sports shirt and be hot. It doesn't make sense that despite that when a bus drives passed me, that the breeze is soothing. This doesn't make sense to me at all. Christmas day is literally ten days away, and I can see myself being more comfortable in shorts. I'm not in the tropics. I'm not near the equator. I'm in Washington, DC. What? Don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining. Snow has fallen once this year, and it lasted for a few hours. It feels like the end of spring more so than the second quarter of winter. I'm just hoping that January through March isn't going to recycle all of the fury that December normally dishes out; with interest. For now however, I am going to keep my jacket open, and keep cheerful music ringing through my tattered ear phones. Specifically, I was revisiting one of my favorite albums from high school. This album means a lot to me. It's aged well, and reminds me a lot of what it was for me to be a teen in the early 2000's. I used this album to make mixtapes for girls in school (like, a bunch of music put into one cd... an actual mix tape). I used this album to make sure that I kept my grades up to par. I used this album to give me courage to give said girl a mixtape in the first place. So on and so forth.
If you know anything about me, you know that I'm a HUGE N*E*R*D fan. I have every single one of their albums, and would follow Pharrell Williams into the coldest circle of hell and back. This albums is the reason for my love/obsession with them. They make music that speaks to my soul, and I feel like they honestly influenced a great deal of people with their music. You can tell when someone is an N*E*R*D fan, just by having a conversation with them. You can tell what they're in to, or what kind of people interest him, and it's all because of three guys with skittle-colored trucker hats. Here's a small ode to one of my top five bands. Oh, and be careful when you visit their website... you might go insane.
Post Script: If you've never heard it, listen to the song 'Tape You' in its entirety. You won't regret it.
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